Here’s a list of some common questions and concerns and our recommendations.
In-Network vs Out of Network
We complete and file all insurance for your child’s visits, however we are out of network with all insurance companies. Many dental carriers cover much of our claims, however, we suggest if you have questions to please give us a call so that we may discuss or file a pre-determination of your benefits.
Tooth Ache
Begin by cleaning around the sore tooth meticulously. Using warm salt water, rinse the mouth to displace any food trapped between teeth. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you use aspirin on the aching tooth or on the gum. In the event of facial swelling, apply a cold compress to the area. For temporary pain relief, acetaminophen is recommended. See a dentist as soon as possible.
Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek
Ice can be applied to any bruised areas. For bleeding, apply firm (but gentle) pressure with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. If the bleeding does not stop with pressure or continues after 15 minutes apply a moistened Lipton (black tea) tea bag and this will help a clot to form. Call the office you need us to take a look.
Broken Tooth
Rinse the area with warm water. Recover any broken tooth fragments if possible to make sure that it is not embedded in the lip. Check to see if the tooth was chipped to the nerve by looking to see if an area in the center of the tooth has any blood showing, if it is then it is usually a pinpoint area. See your dentist as soon as possible to either smooth it or build it back up.
Knocked Out Baby Tooth or Permanent Tooth
If it is a baby tooth that gets knocked out then do not try to reinsert it and call us to see if any further treatment is needed. If it is a permanent tooth then recover the tooth, making sure to hold it by the crown (top) and not the root end. Rinse, but do not clean or handle the tooth more than necessary and if possible do not touch the root surface. Reinsert the tooth in the socket and hold it in place using a clean piece of gauze or cloth. If the tooth cannot be reinserted, carry it in a cup containing milk or place the tooth in Hanks Balanced Salt Solution if possible. Hanks Balanced Salt Solution can be usually be purchased at your local drug store. Because time is essential, see a dentist immediately.
Possible Broken Jaw
In the event of jaw injury, tie the mouth closed with a towel, tie or handkerchief. Go immediately to an emergency room.
Bleeding After a Baby Tooth Falls Out
Fold a piece of gauze and place it (tightly) over the bleeding area. Bite down on the gauze for 15 minutes; if bleeding continues, see a dentist.
Cold or Canker Sores
Canker sores, aka Ulcers, occur in the mouth and are not contagious. They can last up to 14 days, but can be treated in the office using the Solea laser. This is a quick, painless treatment.
Cold sores occur outside the mouth and are caused by the herpes simplex virus. They are highly contagious and can last up to 3 weeks. A child's first outbreak of cold sores can be very painful. The virus can cause blisters throughout the mouth and throat, as well as a fever, sore throat and tender lymph glands. If needed, medication can be prescribed.